Saturday, 30 January 2010


Living on my own in the UK should be lonely. I howver do not feel particularly lonely but in general really empty - directionless. Afterall, this is not a country which I would love to live in, especially when my beloved ones are not around. I cannot wait till June :D

Hong Kong you are my origin as well as my final destination :)

At the moments I guess I just have to deal with the unflavourable reality, guess life is not just about things you like. I still try to seek fun out of the utimate boredom lol Thanks God there are still some friendssss in the UK for me!


Thank you for being super sweet to me all the time. The card, the iphone case, the anni sui perfume, the 4-day coventry visit. I really really appreciate :)


I never thought we were closest among all when at Roedean but then you are the one who talks to me most everyday now :) (more than Nickii -.-) I don't know how to live without you seriously. Thank you for being here for me every single day!


I guess thousand words cannot express my thank to you, because you always offer you never say no. Your selflessness is very "high-tech" lol but in some grounds could be taken advantage of so beware. You are the bestest friend I could ever have :) Just don't be late lol Thank you for letting me stay over when I was sad, Thank you for helping me move and loads...


Woohooo Thank you for always letting me disturb you too :) London would not be fun without you and I love the fact that we have similar thoughts and similar taste. I love you :3 mwaaaaah

(hahah changed :P) This is a 1.5 years old picture :( We haven't taken pictures for long!! Though there were times we have been departed, I am glad that I still have you afterall. I love when you say you are dota-ing and tell me what apps to download on iphone everyday. I love when you tell me to siu sum :) Thank you for your company these days.

Thank you all for your company when I am in UK, really pushed me through the hard times :) ily
I should make new entries later dedicating to my friends one by one as they are all super good to me. I really am thankful for their love.